The General Education Committee (GEC) works closely with the program Director and reviews and makes recommendations on all matters related to the General Education Program at Grand Valley State University. 

GEC Members 2024-2025

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Hsaio-Ping Chen [VMA] (2025)
Phyllis Curtiss [STA] (2026)
Brian Drake [MTH] (2026)
Firas Hindeleh [MTH] (2025)
Dennis Malaret [SOC] (2026)
Patrick Thorpe [BIO] (2025)
David Vessey [PHI]  (2025) (Chair)
Seidman College of Business
Dori Danko [ACC] (2025)
College of Education and Community Innovation
Beomkyu Choi [LEFT] (2025)
College of Computing
Rajvardhan Patil [CIS] (2027)
Padnos College of Engineering
Kathryn (KC) Christopher (2027)
College of Health Professions
Chad Sutliffe [SIH] (2025)
Kirkhof College of Nursing
Janet Winter (2027)
Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies
University Libraries
Maya Hobscheid (2025)
Student Senate

Ex officio
Provost or designee

Sean Lancaster, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
Felix Ngassa, Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs
General Education Director
C. "Griff" Griffin 

GEC Committee membership and charge

General Education Committee (GEC)  
[as revised 05/03/2018 UAS]

i. Faculty Membership:
Faculty membership of the GEC consists of nine members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), one from each of the remaining colleges, and one from the University Libraries. The term of membership is three years beginning at the end of the winter semester. Terms from those colleges with two or more members are staggered.   The General Education Director is an ex officio, non-voting member.

ii. Student Membership:
One student representative selected by and from the Student Senate for a term of one year.

iii. Administration Membership:
The Provost or designee ex officio, non-voting

iv. Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the General Education Committee are:

a) to provide guidance and support to the university community regarding the aims, philosophy, achievements and problems of the General Education Program;

b) to review and act upon courses proposed for the General Education Program;

c) to make minor revisions to the General Education Program (for example, changing the name of a category or adding, revising, or removing a student learning outcome in the category);

d) to propose to UAS major changes to the General Education Program;

e) to ensure that the General Education skill and knowledge outcomes of each General Education course are assessed every four years:

  1. to review and provide formative and/or summative feedback on General Education Course Assessment Reports;
  2. to report annually on student performance of the General Education knowledge and skills outcomes to faculty governance:
  3. to submit a comprehensive report on student performance of the General Education knowledge and skills outcomes, and share these results with faculty governance and the broader university community every four years:  
  4. to propose changes to the General Education Program or make changes to the assessment process informed by the assessment data.

f) to remove a course from the General Education Program (see SG 2.01) if:

  1. changes have been made to course prerequisites that were not approved by the General Education Committee;
  2. the course was not appropriately and effectively assessed by the unit in a timely manner as described in the Recertification Policy posted on the General Education website.



GEC Information Site (log in required).


Dates and location for 2024-2025
Agenda and minutes: current &  past years


ECS Charges

Page last modified January 21, 2025